Stay Cool This Summer

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Here are some Tips on how to Stay Cool This Summer

l Run cool water over the inside of your wrists.

l If you live near some, drive up to the mountains. The higher you go, the cooler it gets.

l Drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day – more if you’re very active.

l Don’t exercise in the heat of the day – do it before 9 a.m. or after 5 p.m.

l Set a bowl of ice water in front of a moving fan.

l Wear loose, light-colored natural-fiber clothing.

l Soak your feet in a plastic basin of cool (not cold) water.

l Hang out in your basement – it’s usually at least 10 degrees cooler than upper floors.

l Wear your hair up or short – most heat escapes from the top of your head.

l Make your own portable evaporative cooler: wet down a white cotton towel and drape it around your neck.

l Open windows only in the room you’re in and the one opposite. Position a fan to blow from one window to the other to create a cross-draft.

l Shower or bathe regularly to keep your pores unclogged and efficiently sweating.

l Instead of incandescent light bulbs, which give off a lot of heat, use compact florescents.

l Keep blinds down where the sun is shining.

Have a safe, cool summer. If you or someone you know is looking to buy, sell or rent in Westchester County please call or text me at 914.806.1675
Maryanne Durr